Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches *US PAPERBACK* 4th Ed. by John Creswell, Cheryl Poth-(1506330207) (9781506330204)

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: John W. Creswell and Cheryl N. Poth
  • ISBN13: 9781506330204

By: John W. Creswell and Cheryl N. Poth Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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In the revised Fourth Edition of the best-selling text, John W. Creswell and new co-author Cheryl N. Poth explore the philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of five qualitative inquiry approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. Preserving Creswell's signature writing style, the authors compare the approaches and relate research designs to each of the traditions of inquiry in a highly accessible manner. Featuring new content, articles, pedagogy, references, and expanded coverage of ethics throughout, the Fourth Edition is an ideal introduction to the theories, strategies, and practices of qualitative inquiry.

Content -

1. Introduction
Purpose and Rationale for the Book
What Is New in This Edition
Positioning Ourselves
Definition of Qualitative Research
Selection of the Five Approaches
Key Book Readings
2. Philosophical Assumptions and Interpretive Frameworks

Questions for Discussion
Situating Philosophy and Interpretive Frameworks Within the Research Process
Philosophical Assumptions
Interpretive Frameworks
The Practice of Using Interpretive Frameworks in Qualitative Research
Linking Philosophy and Interpretive Frameworks in Qualitative Research
Chapter Check-In
Further Readings
3. Designing a Qualitative Study

Questions for Discussion
The Characteristics of Qualitative Research
When to Use Qualitative Research
What a Qualitative Study Requires From Us
The Features of a “Good” Qualitative Study
The Process of Designing a Qualitative Study
Ethics in Qualitative Research
The Design Structures of a Plan or Proposal
Chapter Check-In
Further Readings

4. Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry

Questions for Discussion
Deciding Among the Five Approaches
Narrative Research
Phenomenological Research
Grounded Theory Research
Ethnographic Research
Case Study Research
Comparing the Five Approaches
Chapter Check-In
Further Readings

5. Five Different Qualitative Studies

Questions for Discussion
A Narrative Study (Chan, 2010; see Appendix B)
A Phenomenological Study (Anderson & Spencer, 2002; see Appendix C)
A Grounded Theory Study (Harley et al., 2009; see Appendix D)
An Ethnographic Study (Mac an Ghaill & Haywood, 2015; see Appendix E)
A Case Study (Frelin, 2015; see Appendix F)
Differences Among the Approaches
Chapter Check-In
Further Readings
6. Introducing and Focusing the Study

Questions for Discussion
Interrelating the Study Problem, Purpose, and Questions Within Research
The Research Problem Statement
The Purpose Statement
The Research Questions
Chapter Check-In
Further Readings
7. Data Collection

Questions for Discussion
The Data Collection Circle
Five Approaches Compared
Chapter Check-In

Further Readings
8. Data Analysis and Representation

Questions for Discussion
Ethical Considerations for Data Analysis
Three Analysis Strategies
The Data Analysis Spiral
Analysis Within Approaches to Inquiry
Comparing the Five Approaches
Computer Use in Qualitative Data Analysis
Chapter Check-In

Further Readings
9. Writing a Qualitative Study

Questions for Discussion
Ethical Considerations for Writing
Several Writing Strategies
Overall and Embedded Writing Strategies
A Comparison of Writing Structures Across Approaches
Chapter Check-In
Further Readings
10. Standards of Validation and Evaluation

Questions for Discussion
Validation and Reliability in Qualitative Research
Evaluation Criteria
Comparing the Evaluation Standards of the Five Approaches
Chapter Check-In
Further Readings
11. “Turning the Story” and Conclusion

Turning the Story
A Case Study: “Campus Response to a Student Gunman”
A Case Study
A Narrative Study
A Phenomenology
A Grounded Theory Study
An Ethnography
Chapter Check-In
Appendix A. An Annotated Glossary of Terms

Appendix B. A Narrative Research Study—“Living in the Space Between Participant and Researcher as a Narrative Inquirer: Examining Ethnic Identity of Chinese Canadian Students as Conflicting Stories to Live By”

Appendix C. A Phenomenological Study—“Cognitive Representations of AIDS”

Appendix D. A Grounded Theory Study—“Developing Long-Term Physical Activity Participation: A Grounded Theory Study With African American Women”

Appendix E. An Ethnography—“British-Born Pakistani and Bangladeshi Young Men: Exploring Unstable Concepts of Muslim, Islamophobia and Racialization”

Appendix F. A Case Study—“Relational Underpinnings and Professionality—A Case Study of a Teacher’s Practices Involving Students With Experiences of School Failure”